Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A Big Day for a Little Girl

Today, I met with a 14 year old boy to practice his English. His mom had contacted the school and they recommended me so I called the mother on the phone and we made arrangements to meet this morning. Now that I have talked on the phone, I can do anything! Turns out I even know my phone number in French because she called me back. Once I got the phone call, I was like sweet I didn't mess it up! Point Nicole. I had to walk there seeing as I don't have any other mode of transportation and it only took about 20 minutes. It was a part of the town that I have not ventured to yet. I wrote down the directions and headed out. At one point, the street changed name and I didn't know that so I stopped and asked a lady walking if I was going in the right direction, and I was! They live in a house on the outskirts of town, but it was a very nice walk there. The first meeting was a little awkward because we didn't know each other, but I think next week will be better. If anyone has any suggestions as to what we should talk about, I would love to know. I am not entirely sure what his name is because I cannot pronounce it, oopsies! I am sure I will learn it in time. We are going to meet every Wednesday for an hour and I am even getting paid. 

After my meeting with the boy, I headed to lunch with my friends. I was super hungry and what was for lunch, potatoes. Legit, a plate of potatoes. Well to be fair, it was potatoes au gratin, but still that's usually a side, not the main dish. It was still good nonetheless. I had a little time before my next big outing, so I headed into town and did some window shopping which then turned into me buying a new pair of black boots. I have been looking for flat black boots for quite some time now and I have finally found a pair. Of course when you are not looking for something, you find it! Either way, I have them now and they are super cute!

Now on to my next big adventure - getting my hair cut! I am officially a Frenchie. I was really nervous because I had to call and make an appointment, but after talking with the mother on the phone, I had a little more confidence. I decided to call, but of course, it was Monday and nothing in France is opened, so I had to call back yesterday. I understood everything the lady asked and was able to answer all of her questions. I am going to be a pro at talking on the phone in French! Luckily, the hair dresser had an opening for this afternoon so I took it. I accidentally walked past the place the first time so I had to turn around once I realized. And whats better than to turn around in front of a bus stop of waiting people. Oh well! When I walked in there was only one hairdresser so I told her my name and she told me to sit down after she took my jacket and bag and hung it up for me. I thought it was odd. After she washed my hair, which was basically a head massage, she asked me how much I wanted to cut off and I was a little unsure. Turns out she cut about 6 inches off the back! I think this is the shortest I have had my hair since I was in third grade! Also, I didn't cry when I got it cut and I didn't even try to put it into a ponytail as soon as it was done. This is a huge step for me!

I am so excited that I finally got it cut and I love it too! I mean I probably won't be able to ever get it to curl under like the hair dresser did, but I will manage.

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